Thursday, January 30, 2020
The courts of Henry IV and his son Prince Harry Essay Example for Free
The courts of Henry IV and his son Prince Harry Essay A comparison (up to the end of Act 3) of the courts of Henry IV and his son Prince Harry Shakespeares Henry IV part 1 deals with a Scottish challenge to the throne of King Henry IV led by Henry Percy (Hotspur) who was the son of the Earl of Northumberland. But it also deals with the differences of the lives at which the King and his son live, and how they differ in the time of need. In this essay I shall be carrying out a comparison of the courts of Henry IV and his son, Price Henry, also named as Hal. When I mention courts, I am describing the area of which a monarch conducts all aspects of their business, but also the inhabitants of it. The outcome I am aiming to produce is to show how the two inhabitants of different courts come together when they are needed by each other. I shall start with a comparison of the settings of the two courts. The setting of the Kings court is of many great places in which he conducts his business, such as discussions of rebellion and how to keep the country at peace. These are very prestigious and modern (in the set era) rooms and areas which would allow a select few to enter. Surrounded by high quality goods and paintings, these courts would be very solemn. They would be used for their sole purpose only, and any unneeded acts would rarely commence. Examples of this are shown, not only in the BBC Broadcast of the book, but also in the ink drawings in the novel. They show the setting to be extremely tidy but at the same time bland. These areas have no character, no feeling in them; they are merely for show. In the BBC broadcast of the book, near the beginning there is a scene in which the King is giving a speech in which he addresses his supporters in giving them the news that he shall lead a crusade in Jerusalem (among other things). This setting in which he is in is extremely royal and expensive; this helps me to explain my comparison. But also, during Act 3 in the book, there is some clear ink drawings describing the settings of his courts. These are extremely plain areas, but they have their unique points to them. But in a complete contrast of this court, is Hals: Inns, dirty apartments filled with commoners and prostitutes- that was the world of Hals. But this was also of feeling, of life, of happiness. Hals courts were rarely dull or uneventful, but full of excitement; although, for this fun and excitement to occur, the circumstances shall be rough and cheap. The main areas to socialise would be in his Royal Apartments, but also the Boars Head, an uninviting tavern in Eastcheap. They are completely opposite to the layout of the Kings areas. Descriptions would be shabby, cheap ornaments, alcohol everywhere feeding the drunks. The setting is dirty fit for a common man, not a Prince. The BBC broadcast clearly elaborates on my comparison above in the scenes in which the Prince is socialising with his friends. Also, during Act 2 Scene 4 in the book, there is an ink drawing showing the tavern in which the Prince and his comrades are socialising. It shows many drunks sleeping on tables, fighting over drinks, sitting on various items trying to settle down. But this depicts the tavern to be full of low-life people trying to drown their sorrows. Another comparison I shall make is of the types of speeches between Henry IV and Hal. Iambic Pentameter, more commonly known as Blank Verse, was the verse used in the era of Shakespeare for those more able in society. They were unrhymed lines which were ten syllables long. Here is an example below of how the Kings speech is adapted to this style, So shaken as we are, so wan with care, Find we a time for frighted peace to pant, And breathe short-winded accents of new broils To be commencd in stronds afar remote: No more the thirsty entrance of this soil Shall daub her lips with her own childrens blood; No more shall trenching war channel her fields, Nor bruise her flowrets wit the armed hoofs Of hostile paces. The King here uses different tones when speaking, first of solemnity with his views on the battle, but then with hope and determination as he encourages his supporters about the tactics of how to lead England from there on. This type of speech can adapt to any tone of voice, but also to change, mid-verse. Notice how the sentences carry on in some areas to the next line, to keep the type of speech in proportion. Anyone who had a high social stature at the time would use Blank Verse, such as a Lord of Lady. Hal and his court rarely used this type of speech. The only times he would use Blank Verse is during speeches to the public, but also to important figures in his social areas, such as his father or visitors of his (King Henry IVs). The main type of speech Hal was adapted to would be that common of the subjects of the country, such as the working class or poor. I think that the use of this showed the Prince to be not just a monarch to be feared of, but one to appreciate and respect. The speeches would use language common to the poor and not common to royalty, as in the Kings Courts. For example, as where Hal and his Court would refer to an alcoholic drink as sack, the Kings Court would use a more dignified term. This shows that a type of slang language would be used amongst the Prince and his fellows, but the King would not allow his Countrys speech to be attacked like that. There is one exception where Hal uses the Kings type of speech: this is were he talking about how he will change for the better, and become a true Prince. This is throughout Act 3 Scene 2. An example to show this will be in lines 18-28, So please your Majesty, I would I could Quit all offences wit as clear excuse As well as I am doubtless I can purge Myself of many I am chargd withal: Yet such extenuation let me beg As, in reproof of many tales devisd, Which oft the ear of greatness needs must hear, By smiling pickthanks, and base newsmongers, Health faulter wanderd and irregular, Find pardon on my true submission. The inhabitants of a court shall make up a large proportion of its character: they are the ones who decide how it is handled, but also the manner in which they are handled. The main inhabitants of Henrys IV court consist of the Earl of Westmoreland, Sir Walter Blunt, Lord John of Lancaster, and of course King Henry IV. Lord John of Lancaster was the son of the King and a possible rival to the throne if Hal deceased before his father. He was involved in the Kings plans for the country and part of his trustworthy group of advisors. The Lord w as the opposite of his wild brother, and was quick to take on responsibility in the Kings councils. Another interested in the affairs of the land was the Earl of Westmoreland. He was an ally to the King and was loyal and trusted. Sir Walter Blunt was a supporter of the Henry IV. He served as an intermediary between the King and the rebels before the battle of Shrewsbury. Altogether, along with many other small inhabitants to the court, these peopl e were highly respected in their day with many friends, but also many foes. The inhabitants of Hals court stretched from the barmaid in the Boars Head, to Falstaff, a well known thief and lowlife. Sir John Falstaff was a main companion of Hals. This character was extremely dishonourable, but at the same time easy-going. He would make a joke out of everything, but never a true word be spoken from his mouth. The only person Falstaff would look after is himself, when it came to anyone else he was never interested. After all these characteristics, he has many friends. Poins was a person interested in mockery and the simple side to life. He would be someone always ready for a joke, but also ready for anything else the world may like to throw at him. Gadshill, a companion more of Falstaffs, was a cheat and liar much like his friend. When a robbery was setup and he and Falstaff were attacked by Hal, his versions of events were same to the lies of Falstaffs. Peto, a fellow member of Hals court was also a thief- he had no respect. He was a partner in the robbery used to trick Falstaff. Another was Bardolph, one of Falstaffs disreputable pals. Falstaff calls him the Knight of the Burning Lamp, because of his red nose, caused by too much drinking. This was the bulk of Henrys inhabitants, but there were many more minor ones. Please note that there were no inhabitants which were of a good social stature, except the Prince. The courts would be subject to many different activities. Henry IV was regularly anticipating the concept of a rebellion against the empire. This is shown throughout Act 1 Scene 1 as the King is told of a challenge to thrown made by Henry Hotspur. This is some what of a surprise to the Henry as it is his own nephew making the challenge. The King was extremely confident that his own country was running itself that he had made plans to lead an army in a Crusade to Jerusalem, to fight the Turks, who were in possession of the Christian Holy Land. But this was all postponed by the news delivered in Act 1 Scene 1. Altogether, the Kings Court was set on running the country and keeping it from collapsing into the hands of rebels: this meant attending meetings with both allies and rebels in the same room. Although Hals Court had a different perception of activities- His activities were the same as an average man. His court had their hearts set on destroying the country (up until the great battle in the beginning of scene 4). Most of the scenes in this book concerning the court would be in an inn or in royal apartments, and the inhabitants- drinking. This group of friends would be regularly visiting brothels for the company of a prostitute, especially Falstaff. In Act 3 Scene 3, lines 14-20, it shall show how Falstaff explains his activities, I was as virtuously given as a gentleman need to be virtuous enough: swore little; diced not above seven times a week; went to a bawdy-house not above once in a quarter of an hour; paid money that I borrowed three or four times; lived well, and in good compass. And now I live out of all order, out of all compass. Here, he admits to being a constant gambler and to visiting brothels a significant amount of times. Falstaff is also telling of how he rarely pays back debts owed. After this speech is made, no one makes a comment about his activities, so that goes to suggest that they also lead lives similar. One activity that the whole court was involved in was a double-robbery in Act 2 Scene 1 on Gads Hill. The Prince and Poins had left Falstaff and others to commit the first robbery alone. After this, Hal and Poins had dressed also to thieve, and they now took on his friends in order to receive the stolen goods. After defeating them, the two-some left the others and returned back down the hill. Hal had planned this so that Falstaff would have to make two very dishonourable lies to him in order to retain his pride: he would need to exaggerate the amount of attackers on him, and also how they fought. This was as he had no significant marks on him to say that he was wounded and could not retaliate. As predicted, Falstaff made these comments later on in the Boars Head. In Act 2 Scene 4, lines 167-173, Falstaff tells of how he fought for hours on end against many attackers, I am a rogue I never dealt better since I was a man. This is blatantly a lie as he goes on to say things that would be unbelievable, even for a knight in battle. Finally Falstaff stumbles onto another major lie, which was on lines 223-226, he says how 3 hooded men came at him from behind, But as the devil would have it, three misbegotten knaves in Kendal green came at my back and let drive at me; for it was so dark, Hal, that thou couldst not see thy hand. Although, Falstaff made a mistake whilst improvising a speech- he added in the detail of the colour of the cloaks the attackers were wearing, then goes on to say that it was too dark to even see his hand. Now Falstaff must lie repeatedly to make up for the mistake. Overall, Hals Court and their activities are much more exciting in some tenses, but also unfaithful. Speeches in the two Courts vary in content. The Kings shall have an elegant and prestigious topic of conversation, whereas Hals is the opposite. In the next couple of paragraphs I shall explain this theory; I shall start off with the content of the Kings courts speeches. The main topics of interest shall be of rebellion, war and hot to keep the country afloat. In Act 1 Scene 1, lines 1 to 33, the King is rifling on his alliance and encouraging them to support the country, So shaken as we are our Council did decree In forwarding this dear expedience. Here he talks about how they are on top of all their troubles and shall now move on to larger targets; such as claiming back Jerusalem from the Turks. In Act 1 Scene 3, King Henry confronts the rebels who have been causing him anger. He argues heavily with Hotspur about him not agreeing to surrender captured prisoners. Throughout this scene there is one main content for the conversation; how to run the country. For example, in lines 1-9, he is apologising for being too harsh to these rebels, and admitting his mistakes in leadership. Although, Hotspur, during lines 28- 68, then retaliates that comment and admits he has captured prisoners, but then gives reasons for his treachery. But after this conversation, the King has gained some respect for this young man. During Act 1 Scene 1, lines 77-94, express the Kings feelings for his son. Yea, there thou makst me sad and makst me sin In envy that my Lord Northumberland Should be the father to so blest a son- A son who is the theme of honours tongue, Amongst a grove the very straightest plant, Who is sweet Fortunes minion and her pride- Whilst I, by looking on the praise of him See riot and dishonor stain the brow Of my young Harry. O, that it could be proved That some night-tripping fairy had exchanged In cradle clothes our children where they lay, And called mine Percy, his Plantagenet! These lines above set the stage for the conflict between Prince Hal and Hotspur. The King describes the fame and fortune of young Hotspur by calling him the theme of honours tongue. As a comparison, he states that Prince Harry has been sullied by riot and dishonour. He then refers to an old English folk superstition- fairies who switched young children at birth. Henry wishes that a fairy had switched Harry and Hotspur at birth, so that Hotspur were really his son and Harry the son of Northumberland. Hals content of speeches is significantly different- they will either be joking towards each other or plotting a new scheme. This Court would never be seen to have a civilised conversation. An example of this shall be shown in Act 1 Scene 2, lines 2-12, Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sack and unbuttoning thee after supper and sleeping upon benches after noon, that thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which thou wouldst truly know. What a devil hast thou to do with the time of the day? Unless hours were cups of sack and minutes capons and clocks the tongues of bawds and dials the signs of leaping-houses and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-coloured taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of the day. This shows the extent to mockery this Court would go to in order to entertain their selves. But in contrast, there is a speech made by Hal in which he is talking about how he has played everyone for a fool, and is now going to become the true Prince. This is in Act 1 Scene 2, lines 173-195, I know you all, and will awhile uphold The unyoked humour of your idleness. Yet herein will I imitate the sun, Who doth permit the base contagious clouds To smother up his beauty from the world, That when he please again to be himself, Being wanted, he may be more wondered at By breaking through the foul and ugly mists Of vapours that did seem to strangle him. If all the year were playing holidays, To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom come, they wished-for come, And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents. So, when this loose behaviour I throw off And pay the debt I never promisà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½d, By how much better than my word I am, By so much shall I falsify mens hopes; And like bright metal on a sullen ground, My reformation, glittring oer my fault, Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes Than that which hath no foil to set it off. Ill so offend to make offence a skill, Redeeming time when men think least I will. Here Hal is revealing his deception about his character; his theory is that people will like him more if he has a sudden change of personality and turns into a noble Prince. It shows young Hal to have an extremely complex mind and that common people are not worthy as his friends. King Henry IV and his son Hal have a very complicated relationship: they are not alike in many ways, but when it comes to the time which they are seeking salvation by each other, they have many similarities. In Act 1 Scene 1, lines 77-94, the King reveals how he wishes that the young Hotspur and his own son Hal were switched at birth, Yea, there thou makst me sad and makst me sin And called mine Percy, his Plantagenet! The above speech is explained above when I am carrying out a comparison of the content of speeches. Although, in Act 3 Scene 2, both faces admit to each other that they are in need of help from one-another. The King berates him for his behaviour and the company he keeps. This is shown in lines 10-17, For the hot vengeance and the rod of heaven And hold their level with thy princely heart? But soon he is pouring his heart out and pleading for Hal to change his ways and become a real monarch; the proof of this is throughout this scene. Although, in lines 129-159, Hal promises his father that he will be a noble Prince; an honourable Prince; a worthy Prince, Do not think so, you shall not find it so; Ere break the smallest parcel of this vow. I have now made all my comparisons relating to the courts of Henry IV and his son, Prince Harry. I have gained several conclusions throughout this piece of coursework at the end of each section. But as I final conclusion, I shall like to state what I think is occurring with the courts near the end of Act 3: Henrys and Hals courts are different in many senses, although the only occasion they join each others company is when fighting for their country; when they have a purpose.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Sigmund Freud and the Oedipus Instinct :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Sigmund Freud and the Oedipus Instinct Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifeââ¬â¢s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are through you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the houses of tomorrow, which you can not visit, even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. Kahil Gibran Freud is to Psychoanalysis what Socrates is to philosophy. The theory of psychoanalysis is primarily concerned with the development of the human personality; it was Freud who presumed that human personality is a tripartite system, consisting of the id, ego, and the superego. "The id is said to contain all the instinctual drives that seek immediate satisfaction and like a small child (they are said to operate on the "the pleasure principle"); the ego contains the conscious mental states, and its function is to perceive the real world and to decide how to act, mediating between the world and the id (it is governed by "the reality principle"). Whatever can become conscious is in the ego (although it also contains elements that remain unconscious), where as everything in the id is permanently unconscious. The superego is identified as a special part of the mind that contains the conscience, the moral norms acquired from parents and others who were influential in early childhood; thoug h it belongs to the ego and shares its kind of psychological organization, the superego is also said to have an intimate connection with the id, for it can confront the ego with rules and prohibitions like a strict parent" (Leslie Stevenson & David L. Haberman 155). If at an early stage the child is exposed to an environment that consists of overly aggressive and dominant parents the development of that childââ¬â¢s superego may become a tad bit tyrannical, causing an adverse reaction within the psyche of that child.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Ancient Egypt Essay
What are books? Well the answer is pretty simple which is books are a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. Books are available everywhere. We can get them at a bookstore, library, school and many more places. They are part and puzzle of someoneââ¬â¢s life. There are many types of book like storybooks, fictional, non-fictional, novels, magazines, manuscript, comic books, log books, reference books, textbooks and so much more. When writing systems were invented in ancient civilisation, this system can be written on nearly everything including stone, clay, tree bark and metal sheets. Alphabetic writing emerged in Egypt about 5,000 years ago. Papyrus, a thick paper-like material made by weaving of the stems of the papyrus plant, then pounding the woven sheet with a hammer-like tool, was used for writing in Ancient Egypt. Papyrus sheets were glued together to form a scroll. Tree bark such as lime and other materials were also used. A codex in modern usage is the first information repository that modern people would recognise as a book. In the early 19th century, steamed-powered printing presses became very popular. Books were put to good use by many well-known and famous authors both in the past and present. Author is someone who makes or originates something. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sun Tzu and many more philosophers spread their ideas and messages through books. They spoke their mind through books. This in return introduced and spread ideology over the continent during the rising and falling of great empires like Rome, Greek and China. Books play an important role in the growth of language. There are over 5000 languages in the world. These languages are spread by books. Nowadays, we can get books with different languages so that means you can get a book with the same title but with a different language. There are books such as dictionary that helps people especially students that have troubles in translating from a language to another. This is called bilingual. Besides, books are essential in studentsââ¬â¢ life. It is constantly needed throughout the learning period of an individualââ¬â¢s life. For example, books are used in kindergartens, primary, lower and upper secondary and even in colleges or institutions. Students no matter where or which phase of the learning period they enter, books are still needed. Furthermore, working people especially those who are involved in teaching and journalism like teachers, lecturers, professors, reporters and many more. They canââ¬â¢t escape from books. One of their source of livelihood is books. As technology progress, books are getting unpopular. This is because that we now are able to read story books and novels through the internet as well as purchase them. People do not have to open their books and flip through pages to find information. Moreover, they can obtain the information they seek within seconds. They also do not need to buy music books anymore because it is available online. In conclusion, books are the very source of intellect and intelligence. They are huge source of knowledge. To read books are endless, even a lifetime is not sufficient. You can never read them finish. During the earlier centuries, books were the key to the growth of advanced civilisation. Therefore, even with the progression of technology, mankind should continue to read books because they are endless with knowledge.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Marketing Analysis Lulu Lemon - 1390 Words
1. Industry/ Company Review Lulu Lemon is a on the rise company that competes fiercely in the very competitive world of clothing. However, Lulu is more known to individuals in the athletic and fitness world as a great product to wear when exercising. To bring more perspective Lulu Lemon is designing yoga pants, shorts, and shirts. The shirts and other clothing products are sown together with high quality fabric and elastic material. These clothing products are designed by respected fashion designers, and engineers to allow the best fitting, most effective, and highest performing fitness. The engineering that their analysis rely on is finding the most durability, and flexibility fabric that allows their clients to move effectively whenâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦At the time the company was yoga based store and a few other athletic wear products. They started to get their company name out by being a design studio by day and a yoga studio by night. From that point on Lululemon could raise the name recognition a nd expand its product line and understand their core base. Today, as implied earlier LuluLemon has become known as an athletic clothes connoisseur. The main target market is millennial women, but they have entered the male athletic wear market and have been trying to their sales pool. However, their marketing mix is very much a core mix, their placement of their products is at their own stores only, but advertise in many athletic related websites and athletic related paraphernalia. The company offers many promotions specifically on social media and some print ads. In regards to price they are higher priced than average athletic wear. Therefore, Lulu is trying to target more well established consumers. Finally, as stated earlier Luluââ¬â¢s products are athletic wear products such as yoga pants, shorts, and shirts, but Lulu is looking at expanding their product line capabilities. All in all, Lulu is known for their quality and uniqueness to the market segment, they offered their co nsumers a range of products needed in todayââ¬â¢s fitness world. Therefore, Lululemon is looking for all options to improve their market outreach to meet the needs of their clients. 2. Product Review/Buyer Analysis . EvenShow MoreRelatedLululemon Case Study Essay example780 Words à |à 4 Pages1. The industry that Lululemen operates in is the Women`s Apparel industry which is a mature, large and fragmented market that has highly sensitive to the economic conditions and trends. The PEST analysis shows a tax reducing police have been introduced along with an Economic Action Plan by government in January 2009 which can reduce tax burden and increase purchasing power. However, Canadian economy have been significantly affected by the world economic crisis occurred at 2008. On the antherRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot 907 Words à |à 4 PagesSWOT Analysis The purpose of this SWOT analysis is to critically think about all aspects of our product. By analyzing our internal strengths and weaknesses, along with our external threats and opportunities we will improve our business plan. Strengths Our product, Pants. Is a unique product giving heated relief to women in need. The uniqueness of this creative product is a strength on its own. The product alone sets itself apart from competitors. This simple product has Marketing strengths, includingRead MoreMarketing Strategy Of Lululemon Athletica Inc.2930 Words à |à 12 Pagesglobal brand awareness due to a lack of exposure to a large market because of the use of grassroot marketing tactics â⬠¢ Unclear brand image: made many changes that have strayed from their main brand image and focus. â⬠¢ Misuse of some secondary associations and inability to promote existing positive ones Therefore, our recommendations are: â⬠¢ Expand into major overseas markets by using mass marketing tactics â⬠¢ Refocus brand image by exiting the market of men apparel until they have strengthened their
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